HypnoBirthing® in a Nutshell

HypnoBirthing® is a brilliant blend of holistic childbirth instruction with the latest mind science. Hypnosis uses deep relaxation to access core beliefs. Relaxation benefits a birthing mother in two ways: it allows for the optimum function of the birth hormone Oxytocin AND while she is relaxed she can influence her core beliefs to expect a positive birth experience.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that we can return to trusting our body’s ability to birth comfortably! We will explore the history and physiology of birth. We follow how it went from a natural, lovingly anticipated life event surrounded by community and ritual to a medicalized event overshadowed by drama and fear. Then we will look at how fear and misinformed beliefs lead to the inhibition of natural birth.

The holistic childbirth component covers comfort measures taught to doulas including:

  • Light touch massage

  • Positions for encouraging:

    • an optimal position for the baby; 

    • birth to progress, and

    • the engagement of mom’s birth companion.

  • Awareness of major milestones during birth and what they mean.

For the hypnosis aspects of class, we use scripts to visualize our ideal birth unfolding. It’s like charging your affirmations!  Affirmations work best when they are believable. So, we first share evidence as to why biological birth is possible and then we use gentle wording to allow this preferred version to become a reality!

I’m thrilled to share this compassionate practice with you!!

More Information

  • HypnoBirthing® is a comprehensive childbirth education course over 5 weeks. It will be held Saturday mornings 9:30-12 over Zoom. A laptop works best for class.

    The $400 class fee is due at registration and includes:

    • Admission to class for yourself and your birth companion,

    • The HypnoBirthing® textbook,

    • The Rainbow Relaxation and Birth Affirmations MP3’s,

    • A spiral of class handouts and

    • Email and text support through 6 weeks post-partum.

    Upon completion of registration, you will receive additional class information by email. All class materials will be mailed to you.

    Ask me about scholarship opportunities!

    Major credit cards accepted.

    For special circumstances or additional information please contact me at hello@motherascending.com

  • Refunds are not given for missed classes. However, I will make every effort to schedule a phone call and cover the material before the next class.

    In the event of a precipitous birth (your baby is born before finishing the classes), you may be refunded as follows…

    If you attended:

    • 1 class: 40% of the total fee

    • 2 classes: 30% of the total fee

    • 3 classes: 20% of the total fee

    • 4 classes: 10% of the total fee

  • HypnoBirthing® is a comprehensive and complete childbirth education course, designed to remind you of the simplicity of birth itself. The classes teach techniques for relaxation and visualization, and how to assist, rather than resist your natural birthing instincts. It is about empowered parents, welcoming their babies into the world in a ‘Celebration of Life.’ The class will cover:

    • How our bodies are designed for birth

    • How to assist, rather than resist your natural birthing instincts

    • Prenatal bonding techniques

    • Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques

    • Breathing techniques for labor and birthing

    • Hypnotic relaxation and visualization

    • The Birth Companion’s role in birthing

    • Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning

    • Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor

    • Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.

    • Preparing for labor – birthing with your baby

    • Positions for descent and birthing

    • Introduction to breastfeeding

    • Family bonding with your baby

  • Self-hypnosis and deep relaxation are wonderful skills for birthing. As with any skill, these techniques take time to learn, practice, and to allow the body and mind to condition itself to use them effectively. We also have a limited learning capacity and memory retention (especially during pregnancy!) which is why the information is taught over 5 classes. Throughout the course, you will have a chance to practice what you’ve learned, ask questions, and work through fears or anxieties surrounding birth or parenting. You will receive personal attention to help you feel relaxed and confident about the birth of your baby.

    There is the added benefit of community when participating in a group class. Parents can share stories and learn from each other. It’s also a lovely time for you and your partner to step away from hectic schedules and take time to focus on preparing for baby. If you would prefer a more intimate setting, private classes are available.

    There are many options for ‘hypno’ birth classes. Many of them include similar techniques and information to prepare for birth. With more than 25 years of experience, HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method is a tried and proven method with thousands of couples experiencing the benefits of safer, calmer, more comfortable birthing.

    Look for the Gold HypnoBirthing® Emblem: it is a sign of both credibility and professionalism for practitioners internationally. Trained HypnoBirthing® educators are successfully teaching women and their birthing companions to trust birth and release all fear and limiting thoughts. HypnoBirthing® practitioners can be found in 45 countries throughout the world.

    Visit https://us.hypnobirthing.com/ for more information.